Software Engineer and Graphic and Fashion Designer.

Be My Guest
Revolutionizing how we discovery restaurants.
RTTR - Customs
Modernising customs.
The Groceries App
Groceries made simple.
A streetware fashion brand.
Bergheim Bau
A portfolio webpage for a construction company.

Hi I'm Leo,

I'm a software developer and graphic designer based in The Netherlands. I am half German half Dutch and lived most of my live in Germany before moving to The Netherlands for my computer science and engineering program at the TU Delft.

2022 I finished the German Abitur and started my computer science and engineering program at the TU Delft. Throughtout my studies I've been working at a lot of different companies and projects.

I have a passion for creating great user experiences and I'm always on the look out for a challenge, and your project seems perfect.

So whats holding you back? Shoot me a message and we can get started!